Entry form

Boat info

Helm info


I declare that I take responsibility for damages that may be caused to persons and facilities during participation in this regatta. I agree to abide by the rules of safety of navigation, the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.

By signing and entering personal data in the registration form, I give consent to the regatta organizers for their use for the purpose of creating a database of registered participants and processing results as well as for marketing purposes (sending notices, offers and promotional materials of regatta organizers and event related entities). This statement may be withdrawn at any time whereby you will be deemed not to further consent to the use and processing of personal data for the aforementioned purposes. The statement is withdrawn by sending a short notice to the email address lahorkotor@gmail.com

The regatta organizers hereby warrant that your personal information will be used in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act with the application of appropriate technical and security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, detection, loss or destruction. The regatta organizers protect the privacy of the regatta participant and website visitors, maintain the confidentiality of personal data and provide access to and disclosure of personal data only when they are needed to optimize the database, and to third parties only in cases expressly provided by law.